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Alumni Action Alert: Why Walmart should go big on solar
To protect our communities and the future of our planet, we must move away from our dependence on fossil fuels, and businesses have a big role to play in that transition towards renewable energy sources like solar.
Alumni Action Alert: Why Right to Repair is buzzing right now
We generate way too much waste, and companies intentionally make products harder to repair. U.S. PIRG is backing “right to repair” reforms to give you or your local repair shop what you need to fix your items instead of having to just throw them out and buy new ones. U.S. PIRG’s Right to Repair campaign is buzzing in 2021 and now has active bills in 25 state legislatures.
Alum Profile: Kristin Urquiza and Marked by COVID
Read a profile on alum Kristin Urquiza and her journey building the Marked by COVID movement.